About Sande

Vetted healthcare marcom and business development executive; past VP/COO Texas telemedicine network... focused healthcare reform and technology; passionate about healthcare innovation.

Healthcare: An Industry in Transition


As an industry, we have the opportunity to improve and expand access to care and the ability to coordinate care by responsively sharing patient care information. Healthcare is an industry in transition, and innovation is just beginning.

Dr. Didier Pirot, an HIV/AIDS treatment pioneer, once commented that “it was like walking in bubble gum” when trying to describe his early years in patient treatment to me. I understand him now. That painful struggle… to gain forward momentum… has been felt by every person seeking better ways to treat patients faster.


To quote Tom Sasala, CIO Army ITA [with permission]

“Anyone who says ‘no’ is not being creative, and anyone who says ‘no’ is not being helpful.